Cometabolise: A Holobiont Dinner – en ceremoni for mennesker og mikrober
Cometabolise: A Holobiont Dinner – en ceremoni for mennesker og mikrober
Du og dine trillioner af bakterier, svampe og andre inviteres med i en meditativ ceremoni af Baum & Leahy søndag 26 maj. Ceremonien indgår som en del af kunstnergruppens installationsværk Cometabolise: A Holobiont Dinner, der vises lige nu i Skovhusets gruppeudstilling TERRA: Morf. Værket sætter fokus på den gæringsproces, der foregår i symbiose mellem svampe og bakterier i en levende surdej, og sidenhen i vores tarme ved fordøjelsen af brød. Menneskets tarmsystem er vært for en mængde mikroorganismer, og under søndagens performance fejrer vi vores mellemartslige stofskifte og sameksistensen mellem mikrober og vores kroppe ved en intim sammenkomst.
Baum & Leahy er et prisbelønnet, internationalt kunst- og designstudio, der gennem multidisciplinære samarbejder skaber interaktive installationer, ceremonier, scenografi og oplevelsesdesign. I deres værker undersøger de mellemartslige relationer, multisensorisk perception og andre interdisciplinære forståelser af verden. Baum & Leahy er uddannet ved The Royal College of Art i London og har bl.a. udstillet på Statens Museum for Kunst, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Medicinsk Museion, København, Wellcome Collection, London og Art Laboratory Berlin.
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Cometabolise: A Holobiont Dinner – a multispecies ceremony
You and your trillions of bacteria, fungi and others are invited to a meditative ceremony by Baum & Leahy on Sunday 26 May. The ceremony is part of the artist group's installation work Cometabolise: A Holobiont Dinner, which is currently on display in the Skovhuset group exhibition TERRA: Morf. The work focuses on the fermentation process that takes place in symbiosis between fungi and bacteria in a living sourdough, and later in our intestines during the digestion of bread. The human gut is host to a multitude of microorganisms, and during Sunday's performance we celebrate our interspecies metabolism and the coexistence between microbes and our bodies in an intimate gathering.
Baum & Leahy is an award-winning international art and design studio that collaborates across disciplines to create interactive installations, ceremonies, scenography and experience design. Their work explores interspecies relationships, multisensorial perception and interdisciplinary knowledge production. Baum & Leahy are graduates of the Royal College of Art in London. They have exhibited at the National Gallery of Denmark, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Medical Museion, Copenhagen, Wellcome Collection, London and Art Laboratory Berlin.